Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Documentary Film Analysis Proposal, page K12.

Documentary Film Analysis Proposal, page K12.

Q 1. 1. Carefully read page K11 in the Course Packet (Links to an external site.), and choose your documentary according to the guidelines. Choose well--a documentary based on a current social issue. It's an important decision! See helpful links here (Links to an external site.). 2. Watch your selected documentary AT LEAST TWICE and TAKE LOTS OF NOTES. (You should have completed this step already, but if you haven't, you MUST do so now. Seriously--you cannot analyze a film you've casually watched once. Please set yourself up for success.) 3. Next, answer the questions on page K12. (Links to an external site.)Brief answers are not acceptable. I want a short paragraph for EACH question. Type your work in the window below. 4. Your work must be no less than 900 words. Please remember to check by using the WordCount Tool (Links to an external site.). Please note that short work means less than full points. I do not want you to lose credit. This is a five-point assignment, so get those points! 5. DO NOT SKIP THE LAST QUESTION. We are required to find two credible outside sources to verify the claims the film makes. I cannot give credit to proposals unless this information is included as requested in the last question on page K12. ________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: Since we are in an academic setting, any films based on conspiracy theories, propaganda, pseudoscience, bigotry, or misinformation are absolutely unacceptable UNLESS you are examining why they lack credibility. No exceptions! See solid suggestions on page K11 as well as on my website here (Links to an external site.).

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1. What social issue is the film presenting and what solution does it presents? - The social issue presented in the film Miss Representation is the daily insecurities that women and girls across the world have to go through in order to maintain the picture perfect, feminine image of themselves. The media, especially popular media is plastered with images of near perfect women, with their perfect bodies and flawless features. This further prompts women to feel insecure about their own body images leading to a significant decrease in body positivity.